9 Toddler Sleep Positions to Try

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Looking for a way to help your toddler get a good night’s sleep? It’s not always easy, but one thing you can do is experiment with different sleep positions. Whether they’re in their bed, on the floor, or even on the couch, several options may be comfortable and calming choices for them when it comes to finding just the right sleep position. To give you some ideas, here are nine toddler sleep positions kids often find soothing!


  1. The “nest”: Curling up in a tight ball with the arms tucked away 
  2. The “starfish”: Spreading out their limbs in all directions
  3. The “knees up”: Putting their knees up to the chest and tucking their head in between
  4. The “cocooner”: Wrapping themselves into a tight ball, making them feel safe and secure
  5. The “backflipper”: Rolling onto their back and flipping over onto their belly 
  6. The “twister”: Wrapping themselves up like a burrito, with one arm around the pillow and one tucked under it
  7. The “Froggy” Position – lying on their stomach with their legs bent up 
  8. The “Starry Night” Position – lying on the back with arms and legs outstretched, like a starfish
  9. The “Fishing Pole” Position – lying sideways with one arm tucked under the pillow and the other hand acting as a fishing pole reaching up towards the ceiling

What position is best for toddlers to sleep in?

When selecting a position for your toddler to sleep in, you should look for something safe and comfortable. A lot of parents love the way a bassinet or crib provides support for their youngest babe, but don’t discount the perks of co-sleeping – especially if you’re breastfeeding! 


Whichever route you take, be sure that your little one doesn’t roll onto their stomach which could lead to suffocation. You might also consider making sure the space around them is clear from any loose fabrics or stuffing that could make its way into their nose or mouth the night. Finally, ensure your baby’s back and neck are both supported so they can get the rest they need to thrive.

Which sleeping position is best for growth?

Finding the best sleeping position for growth can be tricky. Many people swear by their sleep routines and positions, but research shows that the most beneficial way to sleep is on your back with a pillow under the knees. This alignment helps to keep your spine and neck supported while you lay flat while eliminating any pressure points that can occur when sleeping in other positions. 


Additionally, adjusting your pillows until you find the right area of support for your head and neck can provide proper cervical spine support as well as keep airways open for better breathing during sleep. With all this in mind, get comfortable and get some rest—after all, getting a great night’s sleep is important for optimal physical development!

What is the worst sleeping position?

Although we all sleep differently, one of the worst sleeping positions is on your stomach. When you lay in this position, it puts extra pressure on the lower back while also causing neck strain due to tilting your head up and keeping it there for long periods. 


This can contribute to repetitive soreness or stiffness along your muscles if done consistently. Not only can these complications prevent us from getting a good night’s rest, but they can also result in more serious long-term issues. That’s why it is probably best to try and find a different posture for sleeping that is comfortable for you but doesn’t put unnecessary stress on certain parts of your body.

What are healthy positions to sleep in?

When it comes to healthy positions to sleep in, the most obvious choice is lying on your side. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs can provide support for your spine and reduce hip pain. Another great option is sleeping on your back. 


This position keeps your head, neck, and spine in an aligned position without adding any extra or unnecessary strain on them. Lastly, if you must sleep on your stomach, it may be a good idea to place a pillow beneath your abdomen and pelvis to better support your spine while sleeping. Whichever sleep position you choose, make sure that you are comfortable and that it allows you to rest peacefully!

Does sleeping position affect baby growth?

When it comes to babies, everyone’s a little worried about them getting enough sleep. We all know that sleep is essential for babies growth and development, but did you know that even the position your baby sleeps in could make an impact? Studies have shown that sleeping on the back cuts down a baby’s risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by more than half. 


But on the other hand, sleeping in the stomach or side positions might be better for aiding bone development since they involve exercising more muscle groups to keep a balanced posture. It’s important to think about how your little one is sleeping so you can ensure that they’re doing whatever is best for their growth and development – no matter which way it is!

In which direction we should not sleep?

Sleeping in an awkward position can lead to several health problems, so it’s important to pay attention to the direction we are sleeping in. Our head should point towards the north for balance and restful sleep. We should not be facing east as this allows negative energy to flow into our bodies. 


Furthermore, sleeping with our feet pointing west or south is also not recommended as it could lead to physical ailments such as backaches and digestive problems. So when you hit the sack tonight, make sure your head points north for maximum restfulness!


From the cozy confines of your tiny arms to the wild night-waking adventures, there’s no denying that children can find sleep in some unique positions. Though you may see toddlers looking for odd places to catch some Z’s, it’s always important to make sure their sleeping environment is safe and comfortable. Remember that most toddlers won’t stay in one spot for too long so getting creative with nap and bedtime-related activities can help fight fatigue and lead to better nights of rest. Have fun with your child’s sleep positions, but also prioritize safety along the way as you explore them together!


Laura Brennen

Laura Brennen

Hello, my name is Laura Brennen, and I am a mother of twin 6-month-old girls.
Ever since they were born, I have been fascinated by the world of babies; What do they need? How much do they need it? And what can I do to make them feel their best?
It was during this time that I discovered my passion for baby bedding. I became so knowledgeable about the topic that I already know what my baby’s first toddler bed will be!

About Me

Having the perfect toddler bed is something that every mother wants for her child.
Since I love to look at online shops (you know what I mean ;-) ) I found some interesting stuff and I’m here to let you in on it all…

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